About Me

As an NTP, I believe that health can be achieved through a bio-individual approach to nutrition and lifestyle. My goal is to encourage you to become more knowledgeable about your own health and take back control by balancing the key foundations for your body. (These foundations being diet, digestion, blood sugar, fatty acids, mineral balance, and hydration.)

Hi There, I’m Lauren

After years of dealing with my own digestion issues (diagnosed with IBS when I was just 13 years old with no solutions), I finally heard of something called a nutritional therapy practitioner in 2016, by doing what was then called the “21 Day Superhero Challenge.” Doing this challenge opened up my world to so much information about nutrition and health that I had never known and for the first time since I was young I finally found some relief from the issues I was struggling with. The challenge taught me how to read food labels, the many ways companies sneak sugar into our foods and ingredients to stay away from. It also taught me that women can and SHOULD strength train. I decided if the stars ever aligned and I was able to do the same program through the Nutritional Therapy Association to become an NTP myself I would absolutely jump on it. 


The knowledge from that challenge helped me for a long time, but in 2018, my symptoms got exponentially worse. I didn’t know why or what else to do…I felt like I was eating healthy and I was working out. It didn’t make any sense to me. I began pushing my doctors to run tests and nothing was coming up on them. From their perspective everything was normal and their best option was to diagnose me with IBS and advise me to cut out gluten, dairy, sugar, caffeine, and beans.


I was FRUSTRATED and feeling lost. I felt awful all the time and I felt like food was no longer safe. 


At this point, I decided to make an appointment with an NTP I had heard about many years prior. Once I began working with her, I found out I was deficient in Vitamin D, my thyroid was underperforming, I was borderline insulin resistant, and I had SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth). With SIBO, you can eat the best and most healthy diet on the planet and it won’t matter. Finally with this information, I could begin to heal. 


And in 2020, I was able to sign up for the nutritional therapy practitioner program myself. I graduated in July 2021 and I’m excited to be able to help other individuals who are struggling with digestion issues. 


If this sounds like you, please know that I have struggled too and I am here for you in this journey.

What I Offer

Private Consultations

These are one-on-one meetings where we discuss your current health goals and any syptoms you’ve been experiencing. Then we come up with a bio-individual plan to help you feel your best!

Group Classes

Coming soon!


Self-Paced Online Courses

Coming soon!

Book your free consultation

Are you ready to jump right in? 

This free 20-minute call is the first step. Let’s discuss your current health challenges and goals and to determine whether nutritional therapy is right for you. 

Follow Me

Mon-Thu: 4:30 PM - 7 PM


(916) 409-7233



Disclaimer: The information presented on this website is intended for educational purposes only, and it hasn’t been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information isn’t intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease, nor is it medical advice. One should always consult a qualified medical professional before engaging in any dietary and/or lifestyle change.